Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Another Power Grab by the New Mexcio Democratic Party Chairman

Since I am on the Bernalillo County Central Committee I checked the rules just a week ago. They clearly stated under a different statement about filling Judicial seats which is now gone from the state party site that County and not state committee members voted for district judges as long as the seat was in one county. But a week later this was posted.


13-1. Vacancies Filled by State Central Committee. If a vacancy on the general election ballot occurs for a federal, state, district, or multi-county legislative district office, the nominee for the office shall be chosen by a vote of those State Central Committee members from the geographical area corresponding to the jurisdiction of the office that has been vacated. The State Chairperson, as presiding officer of the State Central Committee, shall file the name of the nominee selected for the office with the proper filing officer. (Chap. 1, Article 8, Election Handbook of the State of New Mexico, 2005 Edition.)

13-2. Vacancies Filled by County Central Committee. If a vacancy on the general election   ballot occurs for a magistrate, county, or a legislative district office where such district is entirely within the boundaries of a single county, the nominee for the office shall be chosen by a vote of those County Central Committee members from the geographical area corresponding to the jurisdiction of the office that has been vacated. The County Chairperson, as presiding officer of the County Central Committee, shall file the name of the nominee selected for the office with the proper filing officer. (Chap. 1, Article 8,Paragraphs 7 & 8 Election Handbook of the State of New Mexico, 2009 Edition.)

13-3. Call for a Meeting. A meeting to fill a vacancy according to Rule 13-1 shall be called by the State Chairperson. A meeting to fill a vacancy according to Rule 13-2 shall be called by the County Chairperson.

This is a power grab so that they have more influence over district court judges. Clearly since I was unaware of this change I did not run for state central committee.  `The main reason that  I am on county central committee is because of the court positions. Most if not a major number of the state committee members could care less about the district court positions. They know nothing about how to correctly choose a candidate for those positions. I will encourage voters not to VOTE for anyone appointed to these positions on the ballot if  they agree to support this unethical power grab from county central committee members. I for one did not vote for this change in the rules. Too much power in too few hands is unethical and not democratic! We need judges that serve the people and not a limited number of the party.

Oh, and let's not forget that the chairman has arbitrarily decided that there will be NO proxies.